Brow Tattoo
Pre Procedure instruction
Any treatment, medication, or illness that compromises the immune system / healing would NOT make you a good candidate for permanent makeup. Please note, booking fee is NON-REFUNDABLE so make sure you are qualified.
Under the age of 18 (even with parental consent)
Autoimmune diseases
HIV, Hepatitis, or any other transmittable blood disease
Blood disorders
Heart conditions, pacemaker
Prone to keloids
Allergies to Lidocaine or Epinephrine
Have had Botox within 1 month (on procedure area
Diabetic (insulin-dependent/requires medical clearance)
Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea
Pregnant / Nursing
Undergoing/scheduled for chemo
Blood thinning medications/supplements
Allergies to makeup
Easily triggered post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
Accutane use in the past year
Allergies to metals/pigments
Ombré brows procedures usually require
two treatment sessions or more depending on your skin type. To achieve the
best results, you will be required to return for at least one touch up
appointment. This will take place 6-8 weeks after the initial procedure.
4 weeks before
✖ DO NOT have Botox, filler, chemical peels, microdermabrasion or laser
treatment on eyebrows area 4 weeks prior to the procedure.
✖ Latisse (or other growth serum/oils) used on the eyebrow must be
discontinued. This can cause the skin to be more hypersensitive and bleed
2 weeks before
✖ AVOID brow waxing or tinting two weeks prior to the procedure.
✖ NO Facials and Retinol products for 2 weeks prior.
1 weeks before
✖ AVOID sun tanning one week prior to the procedure.
72 hours before
✖ Please scrub your eyebrow area 3 days prior to your appointment.
Having rough skin will prevent proper pigment saturation and poor results.
You can make a homemade scrub. Mix brown sugar, honey, and olive oil
in the same proportions and use it on clean skin. To perform cosmetic
tattoo procedures, the skin must be hydrated and moisturized on the day
of your appointment.
✖ AVOID blood thinning medications for 72 hours before the procedure.
This includes Aspirin, Niacin (Vitamin B3), Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen, fish
oils tablets. Please consult your physician if this is an issue.
24 hours before
✖ NO excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption 24 hours before your
procedure. Alcohol and caffeine can thin the blood, which causes the skin
to be hypersensitive, and bleed/bruise more easily.
✖ NO Excessive sweating or working out.
✖ AVOID sugary food and drinks, to prevent fainting and lightheadedness
✖ Make sure to drink lots of water, this will help the healing process
The day of procedure:
✖ Eat a good meal an hour before your appointment. The procedure can
cause a sudden drop in blood sugar levels which can result in fainting and
✖ Give yourself enough time for your appointment and arrive on time.
Feeling rushed tends to add to anxiety.
✖ Wear Warm and Clean comfortable clothing. Don’t wear white clothes or
new clothing.
● Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.
Plan your appointment accordingly..
Blot the treated area with dry gauze (provided) for the first hour, to remove the lymph fluids.
Do this every 10-15 minutes until the oozing has stopped.
This prevents the hardening of the lymphatic fluids, which may affect your healing progress. Expect some swelling and redness.
After 5 hours, gently wash your brows with water and the provided Aftercare Wash.
You may also use a mild soap or unscented cleanser such as Dial Soap, Cetaphil, or baby shampoo. With a very light touch, use your fingertips to gently cleanse the area.
Use a smooth swiping motion for 10 seconds, then rinse thoroughly.
To dry, gently pat with a clean tissue. Do NOT use any cleansing products containing acids (glycolic, lactic, AHA, etc.) or exfoliants. Keep your brows clean for the first 24 hours, then you may start using the Aftercare Ointment (provided).
Your eyebrow areas feel sore and heavy.
They will start to appear dark and thick, and may begin to form scabs.
DAY2 - 3
Your brows will start to feel dry and itchy, but do not scratch! Scratching will cause any scabs to peel off prematurely, preventing you from achieving pigment retention.
DAY 4 - 5
Flaking and crusting may occur.
Skin around the eyebrows may feel dry and itchy.
Scabs peel off in random pieces, causing brows to look patchy. Areas without scabs may appear lighter in color.
DAY 6 - 14
Scabs continue to peel off. Some scabs can be hanging or dried out on the eyebrows.
70-100% of scabs should fall off during this time.
The pigment looks very light and the shape may look thinner.
Some areas may have lost more color compared to other areas.
DAY 15 - 30
Skin is completely healed.
DO wash daily to remove bacteria, build-up of products and oils, and dead skin. (Don't worry, this does not remove the pigment!) Gently wash your brows each morning and night with water and the provided Aftercare Wash. You may also use a mild soap or unscented cleanser such as Dial Soap, Cetaphil, or baby shampoo. With a very light touch, use your fingertips to gently cleanse the area. Use a smooth swiping motion for 10 seconds, then rinse thoroughly. To dry, gently pat with a clean tissue. Do NOT use any cleansing products containing acids (glycolic, lactic, AHA, etc.) or exfoliants.
DO apply the aftercare ointment 24 hours after the procedure. If you performed a patch test, continue to use the provided aftercare ointment only if you did not have a reaction. Alternative ointments include: Aquaphor and CeraVe Healing Ointment.
DO use your clean fingertips to apply a thin layer of ointment 3-5 times every day for 7-10 days. Do NOT saturate. If you have oily skin, use the ointment once at night, before bed time.
DO apply aftercare ointment before showering, to keep the area protected.
DO use fresh pillow cases
Avoid alcoholic beverages for 3 days.
Avoid facials and/or Botox for 4 weeks following your procedure.
Avoid any other beauty procedures near the treated area, including but not limited to: laser treatment, waxing, tinting, and/or chemical exfoliants.
Avoid make-up treated area for up to 10 days (healing time varies)
Avoid sunblock/products with SPF for 3 weeks after your procedure
Avoid products containing glycolic acids, Retin-A, exfoliants, and/or anti-aging properties at ANY TIME on your brows - not only during the healing period. These products can cause the pigment to fade and lighten prematurely.
Avoid strenuous physical activity and heavy sweating for 1-2 weeks. Sweat and its salt content may push the pigment from your skin, causing poor ink retention and premature fading.
Avoid direct water pressure/contact on brows. Instead, cup water into your hands and gently splash to rinse.
DON'T scratch, pick, or peel any scabbing/your brows in general. Let them heal and fall off naturally.
Avoid direct sun exposure for 30 days - wear sunglasses or a hat to protect your brows.
Avoid long hot showers, direct water pressure & shampoo contact on your brows for 10 days.
Avoid excessive moisture such as: steam rooms, hot tubs, swimming pools, saunas, fresh/salt bodies of water until your brows are completely healed.
Avoid sleeping on your face. Lay on your back instead.